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We gather every Sunday morning from 10:30am until 12.15pm, and occasionally at other times in the week. We gather as a community to worship God, be close to him, learn from the Bible and pray.  There are opportunities for members of the congregation to share something with the church from the front, whether that is a word from God, an experience, or the use of a spiritual gift for the building up of others. We also live stream our Sunday gatherings.



We regularly remember and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus, which is central to our faith, by sharing communion together, and when people come to faith we baptise them as believers in Jesus.


Part way through the service the children go out to Kids’ Church programme and there is a crèche for under 3’s. On a number of Sundays in the year we have a Family Service in which all ages are encouraged to worship together and celebrate being a Church family.


We encourage our young people to lead and contribute within these gatherings, and a relevant youth teaching stream is provided by our youth workers - sometimes on the same topic as the main teaching programme, and at other times base on specific topics. 


As a church we are financially self-sustaining, which means that those who are part of our church give regularly. We don't receive funds from a central denomination. These finances are used to support mission and ministry here in Bishopbriggs and all across the world. We invite people during our gatherings to give 'an offering'. Many of our members give by standing order, and as a charity we are able to reclaim gift aid where they have paid tax. 


We are also able to receive donations via PayPal, just click on the button to do this.


Image by Austin Pacheco
Kid's Church

Kids’ Church runs during the Sunday morning service. The kids learn about God in a fun and interactive way through stories, crafts, singing and games.


There are 2 groups: BCC Tots (3-5s) and BCC Kids (6-11s).


We meet as one big group to begin with and then split into groups. The time together at the start encourages role modelling and good relationships and it’s great to praise God together.


All our children' workers are fully PVG checked.

BCC Worship Team

One of the key reasons we gather together on a Sunday morning is to express our worship to God as a family. To do this we use contemporary worship songs as well as some treasured hymns from the past - even the occasional kids song. Although we usually have a relaxed structure a flow, our style is given to spontaneity and the prophetic interruptions of Holy Spirit. 


We celebrate spoken word, art, movement, banners and other expressions of worship in our gatherings. There are plenty of opportunities for creatives to share their gifts and abilities within our worship gatherings, and this is an area we would like to see flourish more.


As well as our main Sunday gatherings we play a regular part in a range of outreaches and inter-church gatherings.  


Please speak to our Worship team leader, if you would like to be involved in some way. 


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Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Click on the YouTube channel to catch up with last week's Sunday service.

21 Park Ave
G64 2SN

Telephone: 0141 762 1473

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Bishopbriggs Community Church is a Scottish Charity No. SC014806

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